
Be Thankful for your REAL smile!

By December 20, 2017 No Comments

People all over the world today are trying to find a way to feel better about themselves. It has actually become big business hasn’t it? Motivational speakers, inspirational movies, social media pages all dedicated to make you feel better about yourself. But what if we told you that you smiling, was all it would take to bring your self esteem higher up on the scale?

Think about why you smile. Something funny happened? Sure that’s a common one. But what about if you thought about something good that happened in your life? Imagine the time someone was there for you, helping you out when it was hard. How about thinking about all the things around you in your life that are good. Shelter, food, warmth, I bet that a feeling of thankfulness can change a lot.

It seems that the times we are not smiling, are the times we have simply forgotten all the blessings we really do have! Not everyone’s situation is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, however there seems to always be some sort of silver lining, if we are actually willing to look for it!

Today take a moment, just a moment, to allow yourself to smile about something great in your lifetime, that smile that comes to you right there, that is one real one that we all want to see!

Come show us your smile here at Urban Smiles this holiday season! We would love to see you soon!

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