
Do Receding Gums Grow Back?

By November 23, 2022 No Comments

Gingivitis, another name for receding gums, is a widespread issue that many people experience. Numerous things, such as poor oral hygiene, certain diseases, and genetics, can contribute to its occurrence. There are tiny crevices or pockets in the gums that are receding (the gum). These cracks frequently have bleeding, pain, or sensitivity along with them. Receding gum lines can cause more serious issues like tooth loss and root decay if left untreated. Fortunately, receding gums don’t always indicate a serious issue. If they don’t maintain good oral hygiene habits, the majority of people will experience some degree of gum recession throughout their lifetime. There are things you can do to hasten the healing process, though.

How to Reduce Receding Gums

You can take a number of actions to lessen the severity of your receding gums. Regularly brush your teeth and floss them as well. If you don’t brush your teeth every day, you’re leaving plaque and bacteria behind, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Be sure to brush your tongue as well. Your gums may start to recede if you smoke, eat a lot of salt, or take certain medications. To avoid this, make sure to regularly brush your tongue. If you regularly drink coffee or tea, you should be careful to brush your teeth right away after drinking them. If you smoke, you should stop. Your receding gums will notice a significant improvement if you quit at any point. Finally, remember to go to the dentist frequently. Your dentist can perform a cleaning, examine your gums, and possibly suggest a preventive treatment plan to lessen the severity of your receding gums.

Avoid Foods That Are Hard or Tough.

Many people are unaware of the possibility that certain foods can cause gum recession. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and peppers are a few examples of foods with a high acid content. This acidity can cause gum recession and tooth erosion. You should also stay away from fizzy drinks, foods that are high in sugar, and foods that are high in sodium. These foods can erode your gums and cause tooth decay. Ask your dentist or try substituting another food if you’re unsure whether a certain item has too much sugar or acid. The best diet for your long-term oral health is one that is high in protein, moderate in carbs, and low in fat.

Maintain good oral and gum health.

You need to take care of your oral health if your gums are receding. This calls for twice-daily tooth brushing and once-daily flossing. If you don’t brush your teeth, you’ll be putting food that causes decay in your mouth as well as plaque and bacteria. If you don’t floss, you could be swallowing and possibly breathing in these things. Every night before bed, be sure to rinse your mouth with mouthwash or a beverage. Rinsing will help get rid of any leftover bacteria and plaque from the day. Cavities can be avoided, and maintaining good oral health can stop your gums from further receding.

Ultimately, receding gums are a sign of poor oral health. You should brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth with mouthwash or a drink every night before bed if you have receding gums. Attempting to consume fewer sugary beverages and high-acid foods is another option. You should stop smoking if you do. You can repair your receding gums faster if you stop smoking. You can try a variety of techniques to get rid of your receding gums. Both your teeth and gums can be taken care of at the same time. Come visit us at Urban Smiles Family Dental we can help you out along the way.

Always remember:

Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time…. Floss everyday.
Change your toothbrush when it looks used.
Visit us every six months.
Eat a healthy diet.
Stay hydrated all day long, and don’t smoke.

Make your appointment today with Dr. Rob Andrew and Urban Smiles Family Dental. 780.989.6030

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