
Advice on Avoiding Tooth Decay From Halloween Sweets

By November 1, 2022 No Comments

Nothing is more terrifying to dentists and parents the day after Halloween than an enormous haul of candy. Too much sugary food may lead to tooth decay. The danger of cavities increasing over the Halloween season should be kept to a minimum. Your kids will grow up to appreciate you doing this. In order to avoid getting cavities from eating Halloween candy, use these eight methods:

Your house should have as little candy as possible after Halloween. In the long run, limiting your child’s sugar intake will benefit his or her teeth and help avoid cavities. Bringing home less candy from trick-or-treating may be accomplished by using a smaller bag.

Just how much sweets can one person consume on Halloween? Will we be able to eat that much sugar every day? What time of day is best for snacking on the sweets? Setting them up front may help the entire event go more smoothly.

Although no confectionery is inherently good for you, there are certainly less-healthy options. There’s a reason why “sticky” sweets get that name: they tend to get stuck between your teeth. Even with consistent brushing and flossing, taffy, gummy bears, and caramel remnants may remain. Teeth may quickly rot from eating candy crumbs. However, sour candies can pose a threat to your teeth and gums. As the enamel of your teeth is made of calcium phosphate, eating sweets with a high pH level might be detrimental to their health. Avoid eating any kind of sweets that keeps for a long period. Lollipops and other hard sweets are known for their prolonged duration in the mouth. They leave a sticky sugar film on your teeth as they gently melt. Cavities form when bacteria in the mouth convert the sugar into acid.

Use dental floss and a toothbrush.

Regular, thorough dental hygiene is the best defence against tooth decay from Halloween sweets and any other time of year. Members of your household should spend two minutes twice a day brushing their teeth. In addition, they should change up their toothbrush every three to four months and use fluoride toothpaste. Flossing once a day is also recommended. Bacteria may thrive in the spaces between teeth, but toothbrush brushes can’t remove them. Plaque and food debris are also eliminated. Cavities may form if the germs and food particles are not cleaned out. Also, make your kid wash his or her teeth quickly after snacking on sweets. Cavities may be avoided if hazardous bacteria and acids are immediately removed in this way.

We hope you had a awesome and safe Halloween.

Make your appointment today with Dr. Rob Andrew and Urban Smiles Family Dental. 780.989.6030

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