

Why Do My Gums Bleed When I Brush My Teeth?

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Noticing that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth can be an alarming discovery. The main question you’ll be asking when that happens is why? Why are your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth? There are many reasons why gums bleed, some of which are temporary while others are a cause for concern. It’s important that you make an appointment with Dr. Andrew & Urban Smiles Family Dental to figure out if any of the following are the causes for gum bleeding.

  1. Gingivitis

This is usually the first stage of gum disease. It occurs when plaque at the gumline and on your teeth isn’t removed by flossing or brushing infects the gums, leading to the symptoms of gingivitis. Examples of symptoms experienced include swollen gums that become too tender and bleed during brushing. This stage responds well to regular dental checkups and good flossing and/or brushing habits.

  1. New flossing routine

Not many people know this, but altering your normal flossing routine to a new can lead to bleeding gums. For instance, if you have started flossing more frequently to remove plaque from between your teeth or haven’t remembered to floss in a few days, you may start to notice some bleeding when you brush your teeth. This should clear up within a few days when your new flossing routine regularizes.

  1. Medications

According to the American Dental Association, some thinning medications are a common cause of bleeding gums. Such medications usually reduce the ability of blood to clot, thus making bleeding easier. It’s important that you let your dentist know everything about any medications you may be on as well as your experience using them.

  1. New toothbrush

Of course, a change in toothbrush especially from one with soft bristles to one with rough bristles, can lead to bleeding gums. If that’s the case, consider reverting back to a toothbrush with softer bristles. You should also consider talking to your dentist for recommendations on what you should use.

  1. Pregnancy gingivitis

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to experience swollen gums and bleeding when brushing their teeth. This condition is clinically referred to as pregnancy gingivitis. This occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy that alter the response of the body to bacteria that causes gum disease. The symptoms often clear up after pregnancy, according to the American Dental Association. Regular brushing and flossing as well as dental checkups can help prevent the symptoms from becoming worse.

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Is your Child at Risk of Tooth Decay?

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If you have experienced a decayed tooth, you can begin to imagine how uncomfortable it would be for a kid. Unfortunately, tooth decay plagues many children that it should largely due to their sweet tooth. Sodas, candy, chocolate and other sweet bites loved by children are the source of tooth trouble.

How does it happen?

The mouth has naturally occurring bacteria. When you eat food containing sugar and starch like soda, candy or sweets, some of it sticks on the teeth and gums. When bacteria feed on these sugars, acid is produced. This acid eats into the tooth enamel over time, making a cavity.

An appearance of a white spot on the tooth is a sign that the enamel has worn away and weakened. Dr. Rob Andrew says at this point the decay can be reversed. Saliva contains minerals such as calcium and phosphate, and also fluoride from toothpaste. The tooth enamel can gradually build up again over time with good dental hygiene. If this is not done, a cavity develops which can only be remedied by filling.

Preventing tooth decay

The best fight against tooth decay is good dental hygiene. The mineral Fluoride, commonly found in toothpaste, is the best defense against tooth decay. It can stop and reverse decay. It replaces minerals lost and weakens acid producing bacteria. Apart from toothpaste, the Urban Smiles Family Dental clinic says that fluoride is in other sources;

  • Fluorinated water from water wells. However, this should be taken with care as water containing excessive fluoride can stain the teeth leading to brown teeth.
  • Fluoride gels and varnish that can be applied on the teeth
  • Mouth rinse containing fluoride


Proper and regular brushing of the teeth with toothpaste is the best way of getting rid of leftover food particles sticking to the teeth and gums. Children should be assisted and taught how to brush teeth until they are about 7 or 8 years of age.

Visiting to the dentists

Regular dental checkups can identify any sign of tooth decay and remedy any damage. If a child has decay on the permanent teeth, filling could be considered.  The dentist can also apply a sealant on the molars and pre-molars to avoid food being trapped in the ridges.

Reducing sugary foods

Eating of Candy, soda, biscuits and other sweet snacks should be reduced.  Encourage your child to eat these foods after meals and then brush his/her teeth immediately afterwards.

Urban Smiles Family Dental

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What you Should Know about Mouth Cancer

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Mouth cancer is one of the less known types of cancer as it usually attacks people over the age of 40. However, the disease is increasingly being seen in people under this age particularly tobacco users. Mouth cancer will more likely kill a victim than say cervical cancer because many people are not aware they have it until it is too late.

What causes mouth cancer

Mouth cancer has been linked to alcohol and tobacco use in many cases. It is more prevalent in communities that have a culture of chewing tobacco. Users of gutkha, paan, and betel quid have been the largest segment of mouth cancer victims.  Smoking tobacco is also a risk factor.

The disease has also been linked to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus often attacks the cervical lining in women. However, it is being linked to mouth cancer in individuals who practice oral sex.

People who are over 40 years and fit the risk profiles are more susceptible to mouth cancer than those in the lower ages.

Signs and symptoms

Mouth cancer can attack any part of the mouth including lips, tongue, throat, sinuses, pharynx and larynx. Dr. Rob Andrew says some of the early symptoms are;

  • Red or white lesions in the mouth or on the lips
  • Swellings, lumps, sores and thick patches in any part of the mouth or the throat.
  • Difficulty and discomfort when speaking, chewing, swallowing and when moving the jaw.
  • Feeling like there is a lump in the throat
  • Prolonged sore throat
  • Pain, numbness or tenderness in any part of the mouth even on the tongue.
  • Loss of teeth with no visible reason.

Early detection

The Urban Smiles Family Dental clinic recommends regular dental check-ups to identify any signs of trouble. As well as checking on the health of the teeth and gums, the dentist is able to observe any anomalies on other parts of the mouth including the tongue and lips.

If detected, treatment for mouth cancer will require surgery which will be followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Early detection is the best defense against the disease.

Can it be prevented?

Like other cancers, mouth cancer will be triggered by favourable conditions like presence of toxins from tobacco and alcohol. Reduction or kicking away chewing and smoking tobacco can reduce the risks of developing the disease.

Good oral hygiene for people who use tobacco and alcohol is also recommended. Proper brushing and flossing should be done. Regular visits to the dentist can also help detect any danger signs.

Urban Smiles Family Dental

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What is the Importance of Dental Flossing?

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The definition of proper dental hygiene stops at brushing teeth for many people. While it is effective at getting rid of most of the food debris left in the mouth, there is still a substantial amount that is left behind. Brushing cleans only two surfaces; the top and outer surfaces. The tooth has five surfaces which means three surfaces are left untouched by brushing.

Dr. Rob Andrew says that flossing is the best option for effective cleaning between the teeth. While antibacterial mouthwash can kill bacteria between the teeth, it does not clean remove the hard coating (tartar) that can build up on teeth surfaces when food particles are cleaned off properly.

Decay prevention

Tooth decay has been observed even in people who brush regularly. This is because the unreached plaque between the teeth encourages growth of acid producing bacteria, and this acid attacks the teeth enamel. For people who brush but not floss, tooth decay has been seen to originate between the teeth.

Tartar can also build up at the point where the tooth meets the gum. If this is not scraped off or removed by flossing, it can lead to swelling of the gum which is also called gingivitis. When this condition goes unchecked, the tartar can get under the gum and can lead to periodontitis.  At severe stages, this leads to infection, tooth and jaw bone loss.

The Urban Smiles Family Dental clinic observes that flossing can also prevent onset of other diseases that come about due to the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth. It has been seen that people who suffer from periodontitis are also at risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and respiratory complications.

More effective

When flossing is combined with brushing, dental hygiene is more effective. Flossing removes tartar between the teeth allowing fluoride in the toothpaste to reach more surface of the tooth. This allows the mineral to stop and reverse tooth decay.

More attractive

Flossing makes for a brighter and whiter smile. By combining brushing and flossing you will have teeth that are uniformly clean which makes your smile better. You look more attractive and welcoming.

By keeping your mouth clean, flossing ensures your breath is always fresh. This is important to keep the people around you comfortable.

Save money

By preventing serious mouth medical complications, you avoid spending a lot of money. Treating tooth decay or gum disease will easily cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Avoid this with regular flossing.

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Does your Child have Bad Breath?

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Bad breath in children is uncommon but still a problem for some children. Bad breath in a child usually points to a bigger problem. It can be as simple as a dry mouth or as serious as a lung abscess. Prolonged bad breath in a child that is not solved by swishing some water in the mouth or brushing should be looked into more closely.

Dr. Rob Andrew points out the common causes of bad breath;

Dry mouth

Saliva washes away food particles from the mouth. When the mouth is producing less than needed (xerostamia), bacteria can accumulate and lead to bad breath.

Poor dental hygiene

Kids need to brush and floss too. If this is not done regularly and properly, plaque accumulates on the teeth and gums. Bacteria grow on the tongue leading to bad breath. Kids should be taught to brush the teeth too.

Foreign objects

Kids especially those under three tend to stick all manner of objects in their noses. If there is something lodged in the nose, the kid will breathe through the mouth making it dry hence bad breath.


If your kid has a cold or allergy that is making the nose stuffy and blocked, she will try to breathe through the mouth drying it out. More serious illnesses like tonsillitis and lung abscesses can also make the child have bad breath if there is body tissue breaking down.


Strong odor can come from eating foods with strong smells like garlic or onions.


Ingestion of some poisons leaves telltale breath. This includes swallowing turpentine, cyanide, acetone, alcohol, phenol, and salicylate.  The kid’s breath will smell like acetone, bitter almonds or violets. This should signal an emergency and prompt a call to the emergency services.

Eliminating bad breath

  • Instilling good dental hygiene. Be a role model in dental hygiene. Show the child how to brush properly including brushing the tongue. Ensure the kid brushes at least twice a day with kid-friendly toothpaste.
  • Daily flossing to clean particles caught between the teeth.
  • Changing toothbrushes often for better brushing using sharp bristles.
  • Regular checkups by the dentists. Kid friendly dental clinics like Urban Smiles Family Dental will work on your kid without the child developing dental phobia.

Chronic halitosis

This is prolonged bad breath that is not eliminated by the means above.  The best thing is to have the kid looked into more closely the dentist.  Doing this early enough can prevent worsening of a bad condition for example tonsillitis.

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